Available Animals
Crested Geckos
Lilly Whites
Other Morphs
Gargoyle Geckos
Other Geckos & Skinks
Gecko Stickers
Amphibian Stickers
Other Reptiles & Birds Stickers
Fish & Mermaid Stickers
Magnets & Coloring Books
Available Animals
Meet the Collection
Terms and Conditions
Contact Us
Indicates required field
Your name as it appears on your Driver's License
Shipping Address (due to recent FedEx delays, we HIGHLY recommend having your gecko(s) "held for pickup" at your nearest FedEx hub. If you do not know the address of your nearest FedEx hub, please enter your home address below & in the COMMENTS section add a note to ship to FedEx hub). *
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
What is this shipping address?
Home/ Residence
Place of Business/ Work
FedEx shipping HUB
Phone Number
Gecko(s) I am purchasing (name or i.d. of gecko)
Preferred date to receive shipment
Please note that we only ship on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays when temperatures are safe to ship geckos. Shipping is weather dependent and proper weather conditions of a daytime high below 85 as well as a night time low of 35 are our limits for shipping.
Have you reviewed our Terms of Service? (deliveries available ONLY Tuedays, Wednesdays or Thursdays)
Yes, I understand and accept all terms
No, I do not accept the terms and understand that I cannot make a purchase until I do
to view our Terms: http://www.watergirlcreations.com/terms-and-shipping.html
Option to Purchase Live Arrival Insurance. I will cover half, so the cost for you is $1.25 for every $100 insured.
Yes, please put me down to cover half the insurance cost for the full purchase price.
No, I don't want to purchase live arrival insurance and understand the risk.
This applies in the case of a DOA. If you purchased insurance, then you will be covered up to the value of insurance that was purchased. You will be able to choose a credit to be applied to another animal, or a refund.
Are you prepared to care for the animal(s) you want to purchase? (Including having the right food? We use and highly recommend Pangea Fruit Mix Complete (any flavor)!)
Yes, I've done the research and I'm ready!
Yes, I'm doing the research and will be ready. I've added any questions I may have in the comment section below.
No, I've done no research. I've added any questions I may have in the comment section below.
Would you like to purchase any Pangea diet to add to your gecko shipment?
Not needed
Pangea 2oz $8.00
Flavor of Pangea you would like to order
None, not purchasing food
PFMC with Insects
Breeder Formula (add $1)
Any flavor, whichever the gecko prefers
If you would like to add any of our exclusive herp stickers to your order, please order through our
Available Animals
Crested Geckos
Lilly Whites
Other Morphs
Gargoyle Geckos
Other Geckos & Skinks
Gecko Stickers
Amphibian Stickers
Other Reptiles & Birds Stickers
Fish & Mermaid Stickers
Magnets & Coloring Books
Available Animals
Meet the Collection
Terms and Conditions
Contact Us